
Highest point block Crevas in Hart van de Waalsprong Nijmegen

20 June 2024

The scaffolding cloths were festively unveiled by René Steman, project director on behalf of VanWonen for Hart van de Waalsprong and by Olaf Bakkers, Regional Manager Acquisition South-East and Herald Besselink, Development Manager, both on behalf of Syntrus Achmea. All employees at the construction site of Janssen De Jong Bouw were thanked for their enormous efforts and were treated.

Crevas Building in the Heart of the Waalsprong

The Crevas building, designed by Monadnock architects, is situated at the corner of the Graaf Alardsingel and Theo Dobbestraat and marks the entrance to the new city centre in a special way. In the light brick façade, a heart has been incorporated in red. The (parking) route to all shops, homes and facilities is also marked here. The building has five floors with 6 apartments each, on top of a commercial plinth on the ground floor.

“The Crevas building is one of the three blocks with a total of 119 very energy-efficient apartments in Hart van de Waalsprong that we are allowed to add to the investment portfolio of our client, pension fund PME. With these sustainable homes, we can make many home seekers happy: families as well as starters, students, the elderly and people with special housing needs. In addition, these homes are a valuable investment for the participants in the pension fund,” says Olaf Bakkers, Regional Manager Acquisitions.

“The heart of the Waalsprong is taking shape with the reaching of the highest point for the Crevas block. We are proud of the varied and complete program we offer here with a very differentiated range of owner-occupied homes, apartments, 119 private sector rental homes and 101 social rental homes,” says René Steman, project director on behalf of VanWonen for Hart van de Waalsprong.

Hart van de Waalsprong

Hart van de Waalsprong is located in the Hof van Holland district. The newest district of Nijmegen-Noord is conveniently located between Spiegelwaal, Graaf Alardsingel and the railway line. As the name suggests, Hart van de Waalsprong is the residential and shopping heart of the Waalsprong. The accessibility is good, both by car, bicycle and public transport (Lent station is within walking distance). Hart van de Waalsprong is also close to the Waal, the floodplains and the center of Nijmegen. In Hart van de Waalsprong there will be 500 owner-occupied and rental homes (of which 101 are social rental apartments) and more than 35 retail units with cozy catering establishments. The new city district has a distinct character through visible sustainability, water and greenery, exciting urban architecture and a striking central square.

More information can be found at